Lesson 1
Getting Started
What if you could stop trading hours for dollars for a job or career that fueled your life purpose? This is what Let’s Make A Life Together is designed to do. In this seven-part course participants will be given the tools and resources to move from surviving in their 9-5 to thriving in a life they love.

Lesson 2
The Four Principles
In this foundational lesson, Curt discusses the four timeless principles that are the bedrock for Making a Life, Not Just A Living. These principles have matured over time as the Beavers have created life changing income for their family and the lives of others.

Lesson 3
Seize The Moment
There are moments in our lives that change things forever. In this lesson, Curt gives us a bit of a history lesson looking at how the ancient Greeks noted the difference between day-to-day time and the moments that are transformational. In this session, we believe it it time for you reflect upon your life in order to identify Kairos moments.

Lesson 4
Assess The Present
Now its time to think about the moment that you find yourself in right now. In this lesson, we will be challenging you to identify if you are surviving, striving, or drifting in life. We want to help you move from one of these areas to find a thriving life.

Lesson 5
Confronting Your Confidence
There will be times in your journey to Make A Life where you might doubt. It is completely normal when you begin to take the reigns of your life, but most people don’t plan for it. In this lesson, we explore the 4 Cs of confidence and invite you to reflect upon your own confidence in your workbook.

Lesson 6
Choose The Right Vehicle
To Make A Life, not just a living you have to align your time and income withe a vehicle that will fuel your purpose and passion. What makes a good vehicle? Curt offers in this videos and workbook lesson ways to evaluate a vehicle for Making a Life. In your workbook, you will be given a Vehicle Evaluation that you can use to evaluate a vehicle you are considering.

Lesson 7
Decide To Make A Life
It all comes down to this! It’s time to make a decision and go for it. We would love for you to join our community and even explore how to Make a Life with us. In this final lesson, Curt gives a final motivational challenge to get ready to go all in.